Patsy’s 60 Mile August Challenge for MND

Our superstar Patsy is running 60 miles in August to raise money to support the fight with MND – go for it Patsy!!
Starter kit arrived 😍😍😍
I’m running 60 miles in August to support the fight with #MND.
Every day in the UK six people are told the devastating news that they have motor neurone disease (MND). Their world, and that of their loved ones, can be shattered in an instant. That’s why I’m raising money to make sure people affected by MND get the care, help and support they need, and fund research to bring us closer to finding a cure.Any donation you can give, no matter how small, will help to make a difference.
If anyone would like to donate here is the link:
Thanks for any support!! πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—